How to visit us

We are delighted to welcome visitors to NWSS, whether you’re curious about Progressive Judaism and it’ll be your first time in a synagogue, a member of another synagogue, or perhaps you’ve been invited to an event here. On the subsequent pages you will find helpful information to read before your visit to us.

If you’re considering visiting us for a service you would be very welcome. Please let us know well in advance and we’ll make sure that our Security Team knows to look out for you. Sadly in today’s climate we cannot accommodate unscheduled visits. So please contact the office prior to your visit to make arrangements.

We do have a small gated car park, however space is limited and we try to reserve it for those who finding walking difficult. If you are attending an event at the synagogue, please contact the event organiser to check whether the car park will be open or not.

We look forward to your visit!