
Yahrzeit (literally “anniversary” in the Yiddish language) is the anniversary of the Jewish calendar date when someone died. It is traditional to light a 24-hour memorial candle on the evening before and to attend a Shabbat service on or immediately before the Yahrzeit date to recite the Kaddish (memorial prayer).

The names of members’ loved ones are read out during the Friday and Saturday Shabbat services, if that is what the bereaved person wants. They are also read out during the Yizkor service on Yom Kippur.

Our Administrator holds the Yahrzeit Registration Form, which offers members several options relating to a loved one’s Yahrzeit. These include asking whether the member would like:

  • the Yahrzeit to be included in the weekly remembrance, the annual Yizkor service, or both;
  • to receive a letter reminding them of the Jewish date of the Yahrzeit and its Gregorian equivalent;
  • to be offered a Mitzvah.

It also captures important information such as:

  • the relationship of the deceased to the member;
  • their full date of death according to the Gregorian calendar.

Any enquiries about Yahrzeits, whether the name of the deceased is already on the list or not, can be made to our Administrator by emailing admin@nwss.org.uk