Members’ Login

Our policies, procedures, constitution, Council minutes, reports, security information, events and other useful information can be accessed by logging in to our Members’ Area. All our documents are stored on the shul’s ‘cloud’, known as the Members’ Hub.  

Please note only NWSS members can access the Members’ Hub, which you can access by clicking here or on the “LOGIN” button on this page and then entering your Members’ Hub login and password.

If you don’t have a username, please email IT Admin at, giving your full name. 

Please note that you will be asked to change your password the very first time you login to the Members’ Hub. The password you choose must contain at least 8 characters, with at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character and one number or symbol (@, $, £, +, -, etc). Your password must not include any component of your login name.

The first time you login, you will be asked to provide either a mobile phone or personal e-mail address for authenticating. The data will be held securely and used only when you reset or change your password.

Please click here for more details about logging in to the Members’ Hub for the first time.

If you have forgotten your Members’ Hub password, please click here for instructions.